“Rustic Italian villages. Bustling Parisian markets. Rural Mexican farmhouses. Clark Hulings’ paintings reflect his love of worldwide travel. On location, the peripatetic artist casts his creative eye on everyday scenes from the lives of ordinary people. Hulings’ long and successful career began in an unlikely fashion. He graduated from college with a degree in physics in 1944, and for a brief time worked on the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, NM, before a recurring health problem cut that short. He recuperated in nearby Santa Fe and began supporting himself by painting pastel portraits of children. A year later he had a one-man show of landscape works at the New Mexico Museum of Art. The trajectory of his career has moved steadily forward over the past decades, culminating in regular invitations and top awards from national painting competitions and shows.”
![Ancient-Italian-Rowhouses by Clark Hulings](https://www.clarkhulings.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Ancient-Italian-Rowhouses-1140x598.jpg)